It is possible to win her back if she's having an affair. The first thing you need to do is decide whether or not you really want to win her back if she's having an affair. There is no right or wrong one size fits all answer for all men. You'll have to come to the conclusion that works best for you and your heart.
Before you figure out how to win her back if she's having an affair you're going to need to devote a little time and attention towards figuring out why she cheating in the first place. Women don't often cheat because the other man is younger, richer, or better looking.
Learn to Listen
The problem is the reason she's cheating isn't always immediately obvious. She might be the only one who can really explain why. This means you're going to have to talk to her and really hear what she has to say if you want to get to the bottom of things. Learning to really listen to her will help you review find out what went wrong and what needs to change to make things right.
Make your Words Matter
One thing we often forget as mere mortals is how much damage words can do. Choose your words carefully when talking with her and don't allow your anger, pain, or feelings of lost control lead you to say things you don't really mean. Words can never be unsaid. This is one reason that Euripides said "the tongue is mightier than the blade." Your words can do harm or good to your cause. Choose wisely.
Make it about Her
Don't think for one minute that this is all about you. If you go after her with "how could you do this to me?" on your tongue she'll clam up and you won't get what you're looking for. If you ask her "what did you need that you weren't getting at home?" instead she'll be off balance and much more willing to open up.
Meet her Needs
Women usually cheat because they have a need that isn't getting met and not because she wants to hurt you or no longer loves you. Learn what those needs are and start meeting them and see how quickly your entire relationship turns around. She'll be happier and, in return, will make you happier. In the end she will be much less likely to cheat if she's getting Eharmoney what she needs at home. Remember this now and in the future. Learn how to meet those needs and you can win her back.